MBHS Graduates 203 in Class of 2015

BEST-01 BEST-10  Story and photos by Neil Farrell

Some 203 young adults marched across the stage Thursday, June 11 for graduation of the Morro Bay High School Class of 2015.
According to Principal Kyle Pruitt, who himself graduated from his first year as the lead Pirate, said 35 grads would be attending a University of California or Cal State campus; five were going to private universities; 10 to out-of-state colleges; four were attending school in foreign countries; 114 were going to community colleges; two have joined the military; seven were undecided; six planned to enter the workforce; one lucky devil will travel for a year; and one was going to Australia499_0895 for a youth mission. Some 86% of the graduates plan to go to college, Pruitt said with pride.
The school also said gogood-bye to Paul Orton, Maryam Evans, Kathleen Latendresse and Margo Lowe, who are retiring this year.
Salutatorian was Amanullah Bhatti and the Valedictorian was Ellis Vavra.
Congratulations to all the graduates. The Bay News will burn a CD of the photos from that night and donate it to the Historical Society for inclusion in a time capsule. CheerBEST-03s and good luck to you all!
See: www.tolosapress.com.  Click on “Photo Spreads” for more photos!