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Peace On Earth?


By Susan K. Boyd MS, MFT

The phrase, “Peace on earth and good will toward men,” comes from the traditional Christmas story, as angels announced, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.  This was good news in very bad times. We are having bad times in our nation, today, and in our world.  We have such divisions and political turmoil, right here at home. But maybe we can, each, show some good will toward one another, bringing peace to those in our own sphere of influence, this holiday season.

Here are a few dos and don’ts, 10 easy tips, to bring a little more peace on earth and good will in your neck of the woods:

1-Do take your kids to pick out gifts, for ‘Toys for Tots,’ donations.

2-Don’t honk your horn when someone sits too long at a stoplight.

3-Do say please and thank you to clerks, servers and coffee baristas.

4-Don’t avoid smiling at people when you shop. That’s a gift they need.

5-Do tip more money. Servers still get taxed as if they actually got 15%!

6-Don’t complain to the person, in line, behind you, about a sales clerk.

7-Do open doors, and tell others Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas!

8-Don’t underestimate what you mean to loved ones; call or go visit.

9-Do keep posting, positive comments and pictures on Facebook.

10-Don’t forget to visit friends in nursing homes; you are their gift!

These are all small gestures of good will. But wouldn’t it be wonderful, if people left their politics to the politicians, for a time, and reached out to help one another, believing in one another? Maybe then, we could celebrate together, and help each other experience a little of that ‘peace on earth’.

Susan K. Boyd is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice in SLO.  She can be reached for counseling at (805) 782-9800 or by email: [email protected].  Also see www.susankboydmft.com.

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