Spring Cleaning Week, April 13-17

fixing houseWhile visitors to Morro Bay will glean the town for yard-sale treasures on Saturday-Sunday, April 11-12, residents will have a chance the following week to get rid of a whole lot of trash without getting dinged too bad by the garbage company.
Morro Bay Garbage Co., is sponsoring “Spring Clean Up Week,” set for Monday, April 13-17. That week, residential garbage customers will be allowed to place up to 2 cubic yards — equal to some 12, 32-gallon trash cans — plus their normal gray garbage wheeler, out on the curb before 6 a.m. on their regular pick-up days and have it picked up at no extra charge, according to an announcement on the City’s website.
There are of course rules and limits. No hazardous materials will be taken. Household hazardous waste — old paints, pesticides, motor oil and more — can be disposed of free at the City’s hazardous waste facility, located at the sewer treatment plant, 160 Atascadero Rd., from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays.
Clean Up Week garbage can be put in standard trashcans, various containers or tied in bundles. Containers or bundles of garbage must weigh 75 pounds or less and must measure 4 feet or less in overall length. Standard trash cans will be emptied and left at the curb. Boxes and plastic bags will be taken away with your garbage.
And for a price, they’ll also haul off bulky items — such as TVs, chairs, water heaters, washers, dryers, small appliances, box springs, mattresses, couches, and refrigerators for $10 each.
To arrange these pick-ups, customers must call a week before their regular pick-up day. They won’t pick up these items unless you have an appointment. Call 543-0875 to make arrangements.
So while the Annual Citywide Yard Sale Weekend is a chance to hunt for bargains and maybe unload some unwanted items, it’s also a chance for residents to do some serious spring-cleaning in their yards, homes, and garages.
And if you’re looking for information on the yard sale weekend, see Pages 21-28 in today’s Tolosa Press papers — SLO City News, Coast News and Bay News.