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The Treatment Didn’t Work!

By Michele S Jang, PT
Sometimes I get this comment upon evaluating a new patient who has sought therapy elsewhere earlier. I also hear this during a course of care in physical therapy.  I’ll address both.
 There are many wonderfully skilled practitioners in this area. Some of whom I collaborate with in the care of patients, others I see as a patient myself. The list of practitioner types can include physical therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, body workers, naturopaths, doctors, and fitness trainers.
 There is a cumulative affect when a client seeks care from a healthcare practitioner. A client may have multiple issues affecting their body; only when they have addressed those concerns to a certain level, for example 60%, will they begin to see any signs of relief or improvement in functional ability. Prior to coming to me, they may have seen many practitioners. One practitioner was able to get them 20% better; another 39% better for a total of 59% correction. Lucky me!  I may be the practitioner who does one technique that gets them 1% better and because they are to 60% of correction, the patient starts seeing results!
 I truly feel that if a practitioner works from the heart and practices with integrity, then they are helping the patient …even if the patient does not see or feel results. To some degree they help bring this client back into balance.
 The same can be said during the process following a plan of care on a patient.  For example, we recommend 8 treatment sessions.  After 1 or 2 visits, a patient may say they feel the treatment is not working. But the adage says, “Rome was not built in a day”; neither was your body nor how you sustained the injuries. Even if you suffered a car accident, your response to therapy is in part based on your health and physical history prior to the accident. Treatment may first need to address the major hurdles involved contributing to your area of concern. The ultimate goal is for the treatment to chip away at the hurdles towards getting a client’s body to the point where they experience relief and functional gain.
 In addition, our bodies are dynamic, not static. We constantly adapt to our environment. We hope that our constitution is strong enough to recover on our own a certain percent towards health and healing. Factors contributing to healing and balance include:  adequate sleep, a healthy diet, adequate and appropriate exercise, proper sitting habits, proper shoes, adequate water consumption and much more!
 Finally, I want you to remember that, despite seeing many practitioners, you are the key player! Working on the factors above will help you greatly. If you seek additional insight into your concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We want to be part of your team!
Michele S Jang, PT is a physical therapist who likes to look outside the box. A physical therapist for over 22 years, she has extensive training in manual therapy or the use of hands to help rehabilitate the body. She has taught in the United States and abroad. Her clinic, Spirit Winds, offers Free Consults on Tuesday afternoons. Spirit Winds is staffed by a team of therapists who offer an array of expertise on exercise, fall prevention, foot assessment, body mechanics and proper breathing technique. Call 805 543-5100 or go to [email protected].

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